It’s OK to Grieve
“In the midst of all of your hurt and all of your pain, God is present."
- Michael Daniels
Throughout life’s journey, we will all experience grief but as a Christian, you can find comfort in the realization that God loves you and cares about your pain.
In the video, Michael and Brenda Daniels share the following principles for dealing with grief:
- It is normal to question God when dealing with loss. You may find yourself asking the following questions:
If God loves me, why did He allow this to happen?
If there is a God, why is life so hard?
If He cares about me, why doesn’t He make the pain leave? - When Brenda was dealing with heartache, she realized she had two options:
She could put on a facade and act normal or give her pain to God. In addition, there is a freedom that comes from accepting that there are things in life we can’t control. We don’t have to be strong; we can give our pain to Christ because He cares for us. - After becoming a Christian, Michael came to the realization that he had choices when dealing with grief:
To forgive people.
To believe in God.
To look for a brighter future in Jesus.
Allow God to heal your hurts and use you to help others.
“Life isn’t fair and we all will experience grief, it’s how you choose to deal with the grief that will impact the rest of your life.”
-Michael Daniels
Words to Live By:
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed” Psalm 34:18 (NLT).
Dr. Ron’s
Grief is a universal reaction to loss and commonly produces feelings of sadness and depression. These emotions are an important part of what makes us human. In her book, On Death and Dying, Dr. Helen Kubler-Ross identifies and explains five stages of grief. They are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These stages may all be part of your mourning and healing process. Be assured that it takes time to walk through this and that there is no perfect way to do it. Everyone is unique in the way they experience and react to a loss. Some keep their feelings to themselves, while others weep openly. However you walk this journey, take your time. There’s no rush. Allow yourself to grieve.
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